15 modules are available to include in a custom program.
This content is also available in three other formats; please contact us for more information.
Affirming your authority
Affirming your authority
Having authority, being heard and followed, inspiring obedience... a
comfort that we would sometimes dream of making permanent,
well-established, even indestructible. But we also know that authority
is volatile and requires our constant vigilance!
Duration: 15 mn
Changing approach when "it’s not working"
Changing approach when "it’s not working"
Perseverance is not always a virtue. It sometimes leads us to continue
doing things which do not actually work... in the hope that our efforts
will wind up bearing fruit in the end. But since this is
not always the case, how can you change approach before wearing out?
Duration: 15 mn
Communicate effectively by email: an invitation to action
Communicate effectively by email: an invitation to action
How many emails do you receive every day? Too many to read and treat
correctly. And yet we know this; for emails to fulfill their mission of
information or 'for action' it's better to respect some
simple, but often forgotten, rules!
Duration: 15 mn
Deciding at the risk of displeasing
Deciding at the risk of displeasing
To decide, from the Latin dēcīdere, derives from dē ("down from") and
caedō ("to cut"). At first glance not very promising for those who seek
to unify and to conciliate. However to decide is also to
prompt new movement...
Duration: 15 mn
Deciding under pressure
Deciding under pressure
Deciding under external
pressure, is that really deciding? Or is it just to submit to the
choices of others? This is really the problem: how to rapidly
take into account the constraints of the context without losing our
freedom to decide.
Duration: 15 mn
Evaluating the impact of your managerial communication
Evaluating the impact of your managerial communication
Is it possible to manage well without examining what we do? Is the
feedback of our co-workers a tool for self-management? If so, how to
make it consistent and stimulating?
Duration: 15 mn
Expressing your disagreement with a whole group
Expressing your disagreement with a whole group
Having an opinion different from that of the group is rarely comfortable
and often creates a dilemma: to express it at the risk of isolating
yourself or even getting into conflict, or remaining
silent and abandoning your point of view. However, there is also a third
avenue to be explored...
Duration: 15 mn
Focus your attention to be more efficient
Focus your attention to be more efficient
The workload never stops growing... and sources of "distraction" as
well! Every day we are assailed by many solicitations (emails and
instant messages, invitations...) and it is not easy to resist,
to stay focused on the task at hand or to say no to intrusions on our
schedule. However, without a clear focus on our priorities, we lose our
efficiency but become exhausted intellectually and
Duration: 15 mn
Going beyond discouragement
Going beyond discouragement
We sometimes imagine the manager as some sort of superman. He should be optimistic, resistant, enthusiastic … in short, not really human! As if, to deserve the role, he has had to erase the highs and the lows of his moods. But is that really to be encouraged, or even, possible?
Duration: 15 mn
Handling a difficult objection
Handling a difficult objection
Can an objection hurt our image, make us lose face? That's what we fear
sometimes, in any case. What if someone traps us with a remark, a
counter-argument, a question that demolishes our entire
logical edifice?! While actually little is needed, in order to advance
serenely through hostile territory!
Duration: 15 mn
Handling duplicity
Handling duplicity
Duration: 15 mn
Organizing your priorities, or managing yourself!
Organizing your priorities, or managing yourself!
The priority is that which has the right to go first. Managing your time
thus means first to know what deserves to be done and what does not
need to be. But is it really a question of managing your
time, or of managing yourself?
Duration: 15 mn
Presenting a problem to your manager
Presenting a problem to your manager
"Problem"... the word that no one wants to hear: "If you go to see your boss, bring him solutions, not problems!" In this way, having a problem without a solution (otherwise, would it still be a problem?) becomes a failure to work autonomously. The question remains unchanged: how to share a problem with your manager without hurting your professional image?
Duration: 15 mn
Taking responsability for choices when under pressure
Taking responsability for choices when under pressure
Making a choice is one thing, defending one that causes an outcry is
another! In this case you have to decide on the course to take. You have
to take responsibility for it in a flexible way without
alienating the "opponents ". In short, be diplomatic.
Duration: 15 mn
Work against passive resistance
Work against passive resistance
It’s not easy to say no. So some people always say "yes" … but don’t
necessarily do it! It’s not worth blaming them, neither is it to hope
that it’ll change by itself. So how to introduce the
proverbial ’spanner ’ for things to move … perhaps?
Duration: 15 mn